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Joint IACBA & IILA Event: Facing the Horizon - Navigating Ongoing and Future Challenges in International Protection and Immigration Law

1 March 2024

We are delighted to invite members to the first joint CPD between the Irish Immigration Lawyers Association and the Immigration, Asylum and Citizenship Bar Association. This inaugural CPD event will provide practitioners with an overview of current and novel issues arising in the area of international protection and immigration law.

Speakers & Topics:

Katie Mannion, Managing Solicitor of the Irish Refuge Council - Material Reception Conditions, New Safe Country Designations & Procedural Changes for International Protection Applicants. Katie Mannion is Managing Solicitor at the Irish Refugee Council Independent Law Centre. The IRC Law Centre provides direct legal representation to people seeking international protection and refugees throughout the international protection process, and in related matters such as family reunification and age assessment of age-disputed minors. In response to the situation of homelessness experienced by many newly arriving international protection applicants, the Law Centre has increasingly focused on the reception needs of international protection applicants.

David Leonard BL - National security deportation and procedural rights. Practising at the Bar since 2005, David has a general practice, with particular expertise in immigration and asylum law, public law, constitutional law, and EU law. He has been coordinator of the King’s Inns Advanced Diploma in Immigration & Asylum Law since 2014. David is course coordinator of the Asylum & Immigration Law module on the King’s Inns Barrister-at-Law degree course since 2008 and has been a tutor of that module since 2007. David is a barrister member of a review committee established by the Legal Services Regulatory Authority under the Legal Services Regulatory Act 2015, having been nominated to the review committee by the Bar Council.

Sunniva McDonagh SC-Judicial Review and the Unravelling of Children's Rights Bio: Practicing in area of administrative law, judicial review and fundamental rights Commissioner with Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission. Former Vice Chair of Management. Board of Fundamental Rights Agency, Vienna. Independent Member of Press. Council of Ireland. Member of Strategic Human Rights Advisory Committee of An Garda Siochana.

Sunniva's paper looks at position of children who qualified as Irish Citizens by birth due to the residency of a parent who had EU Treaty Rights but whose Rights have been revoked on a retrospective basis due to fraud or abuse of process. Substantive issue of retrospective revocation is considered. Case of AKS (a minor) v Minister for Justice High Court 11/1/23) is considered. Through the prism of this particular issue, judicial review principles relevant to all judicial reviews are considered, including the need for an Applicant to challenge the earliest decision possible and to consider who is affected and for the Respondent Minister to clarify the legal and factual positions in dispute.

Event Timetable:

2pm Opening remarks from IACBA: Michael Conlon SC, Chair, IACBA

2.05pm Opening remarks from IILA: Tom Coughlan, Chair, IILA

2.10pm Chairperson's Address: The Hon Ms Justice Mary Faherty

2.20pm Presentation by Sunniva McDonagh SCJudicial Review and the Unravelling of Children’s Rights

2.50pm Presentation by David Leonard BLNational Security, Deportation and Procedural Rights

3.20pm Presentation,Katie Mannion, Solicitor for Irish Refugee CouncilMaterial Reception Conditions, New Safe Country Designations & Procedural Changes for International Protection Applicants

3.50pm Q&A

4pm Closing Remarks, Michael Conlon SC, Chair, IACBA

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© 2024 Immigration, Asylum and Citizenship Bar Association, supported by The Bar of Ireland
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